I recently caught myself saying "that's perfect" to my sweet little girl. It made me pause because, on the flip side, she sometimes hesitates to even start something – like drawing a circle – because she worries it won't be perfect. I wondered where she picked that up, then it hit me: it's one of my favorite phrases! "That's perfect, kiddo!" Oops.
It's funny how such a simple, well-meaning phrase can actually be a bit toxic. That idea of needing things to be "perfect" has held me back from so many things in life. Like playing sports, for example. I always knew I wouldn't be the best, so why bother?
Case in point: my practically nonexistent fitness life these days. Things have been absolutely crazy lately – work, prepping for my classes, my little one's activities, and then every now and again, I get to see my husband (lol!). Seriously though, between all that, who has time to take care of their body?
But here's the thing I've discovered: a good run outside or a quick session lifting heavy weights not only helps me look better but also makes me feel so much happier and more energized. It's like a little reset button for my mind.
I've come to terms with the fact that in this crazy, beautiful season of life, even though I have the best trainer in the world at my fingertips (my amazing husband!), I may not always have time for a full 45-minute workout at the gym. But you know what? I can almost always squeeze in 15-20 minutes in our garage. Sure, it requires some extra juggling – like chasing a toddler and making sure she's not using the dumbbells as a trampoline – but it means I get to move my body and show my little girl what healthy habits look like.
Today's workout was far from perfect (there may have been some impromptu dance breaks and a few rogue toys involved), but we had the most amazing time together! And that, my friends, is truly perfect. ❤️