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In Returning and Rest

Sometimes you need to take some time to simply breathe.

It’s easy to feel the heartache, the difficult job, the sickness, the disappointment we’re feeling from whatever ails you in life is your sentence. Don’t.

Trials will come, but they won’t last – at least not with the same weight.

Those difficult times are merely seasons, and like all seasons they won’t go on forever. Rest and the simple act of unplugging for a bit will help you make it to the other side.

I know it can be a battle to do so but even forcing yourself to take a few moments to breathe or meditate daily can help. My beautiful wister Karen Millsap reminded me of that in her #HealForward program, and it really has helped. I’ve learned over these nearly two years without my love that rest and sometimes simply staying home and being quiet is essential, but we all forget, right (can you say WidowBrain)??

Former Vice-President Joe Biden recently recounted advice someone gave him decades ago after his late wife and daughter were killed. Someone told him the bad days will be just as bad, but the good ones will start to outnumber the bad ones. I honestly didn’t think it was possible, neither did he, but I can now see the truth in that sentiment.


I’m Out!

Pledging never to “move on,” but to move forward with this life that I never imagined.

When bad things happen it’s easy to wallow in the unfairness of life, because it is probably unfair. However, I challenge you to enjoy the good moments when they appear, and they will. They may begin as minutes and eventually grow into full days. You will still have the bad days, but remember the good ones WILL return.


Life has weighed heavily on me lately so I found the perfect getaway for a few days of rest, bubble baths, amazing sunrises & yummy treats via 24 hour room service.

Widowhood is hard, y’all, but God’s love keeps me going. Heck, life in general can be difficult. I CAN start to see the light again.

I received so many signs from my RW during my weekend getaway — from special upgrades to him letting me know I am on the right track & that his love will always live. Sometimes you must be still to receive a bit of peace and to appreciate the beauty that still lives around us.


Enjoying a horseback ride on Rainbow Beach in Georgia.

Pledging never to “move on,” but to move forward with this life that I never imagined — one step at a time, one moment at a time while being gentle with myself, and I hope you do the same.


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