A few of my favorite moments:
I packed one carry-on & a purse (the camera bag fit in the purse) for this week-long excursion. I didn’t think I could do it, but I’m glad I did. I actually could have packed a little less, making the suitcase much lighter. Will remember that for next time…
And we’re off!
The Journey Begins.
First, let’s take a selfie…
Lodhi Park in Delhi.
Yoga, anyone?
Sometimes walking through the open door can be the most difficult thing you’re ever asked to do.
The City of Widows.
Strength and grace within the “City of Widows” in Vrindavan. Courtesy of Jamie Wong.
Because heartache is the same in any language. Courtesy of Jamie Wong.
In Love at the Taj Mahal.
Just two girls hangin’.
Jamie did it again; always making me laugh!
Henna break. Don’t mind the crazy bun…
Where my Reds at? #DeltaSigmaTheta
Back to Business.
What happens when you mix three women + five cameras? Magic.
Dance Break.
Highly recommend the two-hour dance class at Delhi Dance Academy!
All Good Things Must Come to an End.
Cheers to an amazing travel excursion.
’till the next one…